#2714/d1, Kalidasa Road, 8th Cross Rd,
adjacent to empire hotel,
Vani Vilas Mohalla,
Mysuru, Karnataka 570002
(Open on Weekends too)
Most of us have faced pimple or acne breakouts at some point in our lives. According to a study, acne is the most common skin problem and affects around 200-300 million people between the ages of 12 and 25 years in India. In recent years, even older people have started experiencing breakouts due to stress and lifestyle.
You may consider acne as a simple skin infection, but it is not. It occurs due to complex interaction of changing hormones, sebum and a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes. Since it is a serious skin concern, opting for home remedies like washing your face frequently, drinking lots of water etc. might not turn out to be effective. Hence, we suggest seeking professional help.
The first step towards knowing about acne starts with understanding our skin. To keep our skin healthy and supple, our skin’s sebaceous or oil producing glands produce sebum. Acne breakouts happen when oil and dead skin cells clog up our skin’s pores, helping the bacteria to multiply and leading into acne breakouts. As the bacterium multiplies, our immune system reacts to it in the form of pus, redness, itchiness or pain. Most common acne prone area is your face. However, some people may experience this on other body areas like chest, arms, neck and back
Your hormones, lifestyle, stress, heredity is what triggers acne and hence it is essential that you visit an expert dermatologist who will diagnose the right cause of your acne and prescribe the right treatment for best results.
It is not just acne, there are other problems associated with it like pigmentation and scars. Even when acne is healed, it may leave behind ugly marks and scars. This happens when the skin does not heal properly leading to depressions or marks. Dark spots left behind after the acne heals is called Post-inflammatory-hyperpigmentation (PIH) and is a very common side-effect. It is caused due to increase in pigment production under your skin. These can be usually treated using chemical peels or advanced lasers which are generally safe. If you are suffering from acne, you should immediately seek professional help as acne can lead to permanent scarring, which might hide your skin’s beauty.
Acne breakouts can result in scarring. Depending upon the depth and type of scars, you may be suggested one of the following procedures:
The laser treatment at RENIU is equipped with a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art laser systems.
Today, removing unwanted body hair is not only a worldwide trend, but also a basic necessity. Alternative methods for removing unwanted hair like, waxing, threading, shaving and bleaching do not provide a permanent solution, can be inconvenient and tedious. Successful treatment without risking patient injury requires the right equipment, physician skill, and sticking to an appropriate treatment regimen.
Laser hair reduction works by targeting the hair follicles thereby removing it with minimal damage to the surrounding skin. Grey hair is also treated with radiolysis.
We provide life term treatment packages that are custom made according to the patient needs. The patient is evaluated prior to each session to prescribe the appropriate energy and also identify any medical issues that indicate against laser treatment.
Fractional laser resurfacing is a non-invasive procedure that can restore the skin and treat many imperfections. The fractional laser produces tiny micro-thermal healing zones to form beneath the skin. This spurs the natural production of collagen and gives skin a more youthful appearance.
We use Fractional CO2 laser for resurfacing, and this had revolutionized the management of acne scars, wrinkles, post traumatic and surgical scars. It is safe to be used on the face and body. There is a post-procedure downtime of five days after ablative laser resurfacing.
Nevus of Ota, pigmented birthmarks, melasma and other types of pigmented lesions are treated with lasers that are chosen to selectively target pigment in the skin.
The settings of the laser and the treatment protocol are calibrated to achieve a good cosmetic result while avoiding skin discoloration.
Also known as freckles, these lesions become more pronounced through exposure to the sun. They are specifically treated with NDYAG laser treatment.
As tattoos come in all shapes, shades and sites, the process of removal is also decided based on the colours of the tattoo, the depth, duration and layers. Multiple sessions are required for its complete removal and the current laser technologies allow us to treat tattoos with minimal or no scarring.
This is a very common problem that affects both men and women from a very young age. Also known as periocularmelanosis, this is treated with lasers (Nd:YAG) alone or in combination with fillers and chemical peels.
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is safely used in both men and women for the treatment of several types of hair fall. Multiple sessions are placed a week apart.
Have a bald patch? Has your scalp gone all smooth and shiny? That’s a sign that the hair follicles are dying or dead. Furthermore, there is no effective treatment for this: No way to put life into your dead follicles.
We at Reniu, have an answer. The RENIU INSTANT TRANSFER gives you natural, growing, non-maintenance hair back for the rest of your life which you can wear to your own style. This we achieve by instantly implanting the hairs that are taken from a donor site on your own head. And this ensures the best outcome as it maintains the life from the donor site.
We also offer Reniu scalp Hair Transplant; Reniu Eyebrow restoration; Reniu moustache and beard restoration; Reniu Body to Head transplant; Reniu Re-transplant services.
And a guarantee that all of the hair will grow and maintain vitality permanently.
If you can’t beat them, confuse them said someone bald and wise.
We offer these latest technologically advanced treatments/services: Scalp micropigmentation; Hair lacing; Reniu bio fibers.
The wise option when all else fails.
SMP has become famous over the years as it gives best visible change to patients with incurable Grade 6 and Grade 7 baldness as they are not benefitted from any kind of treatment.
Here we use pigment or dye which is tattooed into the scalp to make a shaved head appear to be having full thickness hair. For extreme cases of alopecia, this is the best shot.
Reniu brings you the latest product in the Wig industry.
This procedure involves installation of sophisticated artificial hair pattern on the balded scalp to give a natural full density look.
Are you in that grey area? You’re not bald technically, but your scalp is visible in certain areas?
We call that diffuse pattern baldness and it is due to low density of hair in certain areas. Let us hide that scalp with Bio fibres. These are advanced nano-particle fibres which get attached to the existing hair, hence reducing the gap in between. Also they are available in different colours and shades to merge with your natural hair, much like a chameleon on a tree bark. These superior quality fibres are proven to be safe with absolutely no side effects.
Contouring, a technique previously reserved for runway models and fancy photo shoots, is now becoming part of many girls’ daily routines. Soooo what is it, exactly? “Contouring is giving shape to an area of the face or body and enhancing the visual structure.
Visible veins or superficial vein varicosity is a problematic condition as it is prominently visible. The cause of it in lower limbs is due to varicose veins mainly. We have Sclerotherpy and Laser vein reduction as the treatment protocol. So feel free from visible veins, and wear what you wish to wear.
These are cocktail of compounds concentrated at spot lipolysis treatment. The different combinations are usually used to dissolve the stubborn fat in those areas where diet, exercise and other treatment modalities never work. This is the ultimate treatment for your love handles, belly fat, thuttocks, muffin tops, chest fat and arm fat. These are injected to the areas where fat is not easily burnt or mobilized. The injections are safe and are well tested.
We specialize all these treatments for hair loss: R-PEPT (Platelet Enriched Plasma Therapy); R-PRPfm (PRP- fibrin matrix); Reniu Laser Hair gro; Hair- Meso; Reniu- nutrition
Revolutionary hair fall and hair regrowth therapies.
They have shown tremendous results synergistically since introduction.
We present to you the powerful combination of the latest LASER beam technology with an excellent scalp and follicle treatment program.
Advanced Laser treatment is considered to be one of the best treatments in the world as it:
Your hair health is not only about hair fall. Though the most common type of baldness is AGA or Androgenetic Alopecia, there are multiple differentials which need to ruled out.
We at Reniu, take an intimate interest in proper diagnostics and provide you with excellent subjective analysis by expert Dermatologists as well as the objective hair analysis by Trichoscan equipment. It ensures that no compromise is made in finding the root of your troubles so as to advice on proper, suitable treatment options.
Although over 40% of men begin to lose their hair in their early twenties, it doesn’t have to mean inevitable baldness. The key here is early identification, and that is where The Advanced Hair Check can really help.
You CAN fight hair loss no matter how early it hits you. Hair loss is best combatted when addressed quickly. Our experienced Hair loss Consultants will evaluate in detail the condition of your scalp and hair and recommend the most suitable procedure or combination of procedures to return you to a head full of hair.
We offer Liporeduction services which is reduction of fat by non-surgical liposuction techniques. The services consists of Laser fat reduction, Radio frequency mediated fat mobilization and skin tightening, Lipolytic injections for the stubborn fat and basic electromagnet thermal treatment.
As our most doctors are dermatologist, we cater to all the problems related to Skin, Hair and nails. This becomes part of the core treatment on which the cosmetology and aesthetics lay. From simple allergies to psoriasis, all the skin related problems are tackled efficiently.
To make sure the treatment is successful; we need to know the type of skin which an individual has. With the help of dermato-scope, we analyse the skin into two categories (given below). Once the skin type is understood, we give care and importance to your skin.
Based on the customer request , we offer these services as well – Laser hair reduction; Beard styling; Body hair reduction.
Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. There are several different types of scars, including:
Treatments include surgery to remove the scar, steroid injections, or silicone sheets to flatten the scar. Smaller keloids can be treated using cryotherapy (freezing therapy using liquid nitrogen). Filler injections can be used to raise atrophic scars to the level of surrounding skin. Ablative lasers such as the carbon dioxide laser or Er:YAG offer the best results for atrophic and acne scars.
These are unwanted skin growths on face or other parts of body resulting in unwanted stress regarding one’s own body. These are the simplest of dermatological condition treated easily with Radiofrequency ablation or electro cauterization to sophisticated laser technology.
Keloid results from hyper responsiveness by skin to any trauma. This keloid can be treated with various modalities from simple topical application, keloid excision to Intra-lesional injections.
A wrinkle, also known as a rhytide, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Age wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors. There are three main categories for wrinkles.
Botulinum toxin(BOTOX) treats wrinkles by immobilizing the muscles which cause wrinkles. So ending results in wrinkleless face.
Injectable fillers are a group of artificial filler substances used for soft tissue augmentation. Dermal fillers, or wrinkle fillers are medical device implants for use in helping to create a smoother and/or fuller appearance in the face. Injectable wrinkle fillers, unlike Botox injections that relax the muscle under a wrinkle, fill the line, crease, or area with one of several different substances. As a result, trouble spots nearly disappear. Wrinkle fillers can also be used as “volumizers,” plumping and lifting cheeks, jawlines, and temples; filling out thin lips, and plumping sagging hands. The treatment is fast and easy.
Mesotherapy, commonly known as “biorejuvenation” or “biorevitalization”, is a technique used to rejuvenate the skin by means of a transdermal injection of a nourishing substances to the layers of the skin where cell repair and growth occurs. During facial mesotherapy the skin is supplied with useful nutrients, minerals, hyaluronic acid and multivitamins, so, the condition of the skin is improved significantly after the procedure. It helps to fight natural sagging and ageing of the skin, helps to improve the appearance of wrinkles, and leaves the skin feeling rejuvenated and toned. Facial mesotherapy provides patients with long-lasting effects, provided they undergo the recommended amount of treatments and follow any guidelines given by the doctor performing the procedure.
Chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. A chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother, lighter and less wrinkled than the old skin. There are three basic types of chemical peels: Superficial or lunchtime peel, Medium peel, Deep peel.
Blemishes refer to dark marks or skin discoloration left behind due to acne whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. They usually develop on the face, back, chest or upper arms.
Dull skin are the one that lacks radiance or glow like that associated with young, healthy skin. As you get older, your skin may lose its natural glow and start to look dull and tired. When your skin has a layer of dead skin cells on the surface, your skin doesn’t reflect light as it naturally would with new, healthy skin. By beginning a skin care regimen that includes exfoliating and keeping your skin moisturized, you can foster the look of healthy, bright skin.
Skin whitening, skin lightening, and skin bleaching refer to the practice of using chemical substances in an attempt to lighten skin tone or provide an even skin complexion by reducing the melanin concentration in the skin. Skin colour is determined by the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment produced by specialized cells called melanocytes. People with dark skin have more melanin. Skin lighteners contain an active ingredient or a combination of ingredients that reduces the amount of melanin in the skin where it is applied.
Ageing is the process of becoming older. It is a continuous, dynamic and an irreversible process caused by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic influences. UV is one of the major determinants of aging in the skin, skin aging is almost synonymous with photoaging. The treatment part of anti-ageing consists of various procedures and topical agents. Topical anti-aging solutions typically come in forms of thin, clear serums or thicker peptide creams. These treatments usually contain a number of different ingredients that moisturize, ease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and treat dark spots caused by age or sun damage, as these problems are usually what cause visible signs of aging.
Hyperpigmentation is characterized by a darkening of an area of skin caused by the overproduction of a pigment in the skin known as melanin. It is relatively common and usually harmless, but for cosmetic reasons, it is a nuisance to those who have it.
Hyperpigmentation is the result of either of two occurrences: (1) an abnormally high concentration of melanocytes produce melanin or (2) when melanocytes are hyperactive.
The following are examples of hyperpigmentation: lentigo/lentigenes, melasma, a tan, freckles, solar lentigos (i.e., sun spots, age spots) and under-eye dark circles. With a customized skin care regimen, you can minimize the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Some of them includes alpha hydroxy acids, Kojic Acid and Vitamin C (the Vitamin C Serum).