Your hair health is not only about hair fall. Though the most common type of baldness is AGA or Androgenetic Alopecia, there are multiple differentials which need to ruled out.
We at Reniu, take an intimate interest in proper diagnostics and provide you with excellent subjective analysis by expert Dermatologists as well as the objective hair analysis by Trichoscan equipment. It ensures that no compromise is made in finding the root of your troubles so as to advice on proper, suitable treatment options.
Although over 40% of men begin to lose their hair in their early twenties, it doesn’t have to mean inevitable baldness. The key here is early identification, and that is where The Advanced Hair Check can really help.
You CAN fight hair loss no matter how early it hits you. Hair loss is best combatted when addressed quickly. Our experienced Hair loss Consultants will evaluate in detail the condition of your scalp and hair and recommend the most suitable procedure or combination of procedures to return you to a head full of hair.
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